Google Photos For Mac Review

  1. Google Photos For Mac Review
  2. Is There An App For Google Photos For Mac

All this is fine if you use your mobile device for photography, but it also works if you shoot with a regular camera and copy images across to your computer. Google has uploader apps for both Windows and Mac and you'll find the links in the left sidebar menu on your Google Photos page. Once they're downloaded, look for the 'Google Photos Backup' app. These are not like the Android or iOS mobile apps – they're simple uploaders that prompt you go choose specific folders on your computer, for example 'Pictures' or 'Desktop'.


Any photos you add to these folders will now be synchronised with your Google Photos account. You can download the desktop apps from your Google Photos page. Once it was running on a test Mac, the uploader minimised to a toolbar icon and a drop-down menu for program Preferences, including the folders you want to sync (if you change your mind), the Photo size (remember, high quality and free, or full res that counts against your quota). You can also use the drop-down menu to check sync progress and view your uploaded photos – though annoyingly this will link to your main/default Google account, not necessarily the one you want to upload your photos to. Image resizing So is 16 megapixels enough? Actually, for a lot of photographers it will be. We tried round-tripping a 16-megapixel JPEG image from a Fuji X-T1 (3,264 x 4,896) pixels by sending it to Google Photos via the uploader (choosing the unlimited storage option, not original size), then downloaded it from Google Photos and it arrived back at exactly the same dimensions – though the file size was 4.9MB compared to the original's 6.8MB, so Google Photos clearly added some compression, even though the image dimensions stayed the same.

Trying the same trick with a 24-megapixel file from a Nikon D3200 showed the resizing effect – the version stored on Google Photos was resized from 6,016 x 4,000 pixels down to 4,905 x 3,261 pixels (yup, 16 megapixels, as promised). Spot the difference (there isn't one).

Windows uses NTFS and Mac OS uses HFS and they're incompatible with each other. However, you can format the drive to work with both Windows and Mac by using the exFAT filesystem. You can format an external hard drive or thumb drive to work seamlessly with both Mac and Windows by using the ExFAT file system. You can select the ExFAT format when using the Disk Utility to format the drive. The ExFAT format supports virtually any size hard drive and file, unlike the outdated FAT32 format. Formatting From a Mac. To format a drive as FAT32 from a Mac, follow these simple steps. [ Further reading: Best NAS boxes for media streaming and backup ] 1. How to format a hard drive for mac and pc. To format a hard drive for compatibility of both Mac and windows you can use FAT32 format which has both read/write capability on win/Mac respectively. Although we know its limitation of 4gb file size only.

Google Photos is a smarter home for all your photos and videos, made for the way you take photos today. “The best photo product on Earth” – The Verge “Google Photos is your new essential picture app” – Wired. To view your downloaded photos, open the Google Drive folder on your computer, then double-click the Google Photos folder. Your photos and videos will be in this folder, typically separated into sub-folders by date and/or album name.

Google Photos left the image dimensions of this 16-megapixel Fuji X-T1 image (left) unchanged, though it did apply a little extra compression to th downloaded version (right). Larger images will, however, be downsized to this 16-megapixel limit. There is an option to upload raw files as well as JPEGs, but if you go for the unlimited storage option, Google Photos will not only resize them but convert them to JPEGs too. For that reason, Google Photos could work well as a free, unlimited backup solution if you shoot 16-megapixel JPEGs or smaller. But even if you use higher end kit, it could still be useful as a solution for showcasing and sharing your photos with a wider audience.

Google Photos For Mac Review

It's also a way of having your entire photo portfolio available on your mobile device.

Is There An App For Google Photos For Mac

Mac pro long wear concealer. Last week at the Google I/O developer conference, Google announced to its Google Photos service. Since Google Photos runs on iOS and in any web browser, it’s a serious photo-storage option for Mac, iPhone, and iPad users—and in many ways, it’s way ahead of Apple’s Photos apps and iCloud Photo Library service. Then again, WWDC—Apple’s own developer conference—is in just two weeks. It’s an opportunity for Apple to declare where it’s taking Photos and iCloud Photo Library next. In the meantime, though, it’s worth pointing out where Google Photos is beating Apple’s offerings, and where Apple’s ahead—and how WWDC could be poised to change both sides of the equation. Apple’s advantages Apple I’ve spent an awful lot of time with Photos and iCloud Photo Library.